Just a moment ago, it became obvious to me that the children are being affected by the political bickering that they are exposed to on the news daily. For the last week, my 5 year old has been complaining that the only thing on TV is the “President Numbers Show” and that there was no possible way that Spongebob would be on since the President Numbers were on EVERY CHANNEL (he’s dramatic).
I knew they were affected slightly because the little one asks questions like, “Why is Donald Trump’s face orange but the rest of him isn’t?” Good question child, good question. Anyway… this morning I was sitting at my desk “working” and he was in the office because he does his distance-learning kindergarten in here… He asked a very important, informed question…
“Dad, do you know how a dog could be the president?” I paused, thought about the order of succession and wondered if it would require a King Ralph level situation. “Well dude, I don’t really think that a…” and then he told me, “Only if it’s in Animal world where everyone is an Animal.” So relieved that he gets that concept.